Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Reflections on a Digital Data Delivery and Capture project


I've placed the above link to a page which describes the purpose of a pilot. In our particular context, with the introduction of a new technology, it was found that there were differing views of what a pilot is. To clarify, the technology is an automated lecture video capturing system. The important aspect for all is that the technology works and for that reason it became "the" priority. However, I would think that where more stakeholders are involved, more considerations for a pilot study need to be made or perhaps the pilot need to be divided into phases ie. phase1 looking that all technical aspects are in order especially the infrastructure and hardware that is necessary. Phase2 What are some of the pedagogical considerations with the introduction of the technology and what impact does it have on the teaching and learning process. Issues that was discovered thus far with the first student testing is as follows:

a. Students streaming, unable to view notes on the whiteboard
b. Sound quality not good
c. Buffering

Some anticipated challenges with the use of webcam to capture lectures
1. Inability to zoom and difficulty focusing on white backgrounds.
2. They are not autonomous thinkers and therefore would not anticipate what the viewer would want to see.
3. The tracker follows lecturer wherever s/he goes and therefore would not focus on the board where an equation might be, but rather on the speaker.
4. Sound from the students in the class is not very audible so lecturer must repeat the question to the class.
5. Tracker always following the speaker might be distracting if the lecturer is a walker and negatively impact the viewing experience as it can make the viewer dizzy.
6. Lecturers have to consider that they might be teaching for both a live and an on-line audience.
7. Lecturers need to refer to their live feed to establish whether there are any incoming questions that need a response
8. Having a "manned" camera defeats the purpose of an autonomous lecture capturing device and it means additional person power and hardware such as Vestax for cameras that might require capture conversion.
9. With utilizing a webcam, what would one consider to be the maximum distance from speaker/board for optimum viewing experience.
10. Viewing was done using LAN and would like to know what the experience was by those using wi-fi and the tablet PC's
11. How different is the experience of the live audience from those watching online during a live streaming event?
 12. Is there a way of integrating existing venue technology with DDDC?
13. Is there a way that others in the class could also perhaps respond to incoming questions rather than being solely the responsibility of the lecturer/speaker?

But these are early days and while there are plenty of possibilities we need to make sure that we give learners the best opportunities to learn.

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