Thursday, August 23, 2012

Teaching Tech to Post-grads

Rose getting  in on the action
 The BioedHonours group invited me to speak to them on some of the uses of technology in teaching and learning. My favourite subject but where to start. I commenced with what I learnt first and that was podcasting and everything related to the topic that I could think of within the predetermined time-frame. Of course Audacity, Soundcloud  and Youtube came up and I ended with how to integrate this within FB. The group was lively even though for
Creating blogs with the BCB Honours students.
such a small group which was nice and interactive. Lots of discussion around what the internet allows and doesn't and what that would mean for future teaching and learning especially the fact that fewer people are making use of libraries. With the explosion of information all over the internet I suppose it is more important to focus on how to distinguish "good" information from the "not so good"
We ended with a more practical hands-on session of creating a Shared Blog for the group which they will use to collate Scientific information for teachers. Even though information abounds on the internet I think it is a matter of how accessible material is for the average person in order to gain from it. Nice to visit this aspect of my work again as it's been a while that I have had to create new accounts. A very interesting question was posed by one of the learners as to who would take on the responsibility of cleaning up the web in a few years (perhaps accounts that are no longer in use) sites that are outdated and no longer operational. Never gave it much thought till now. It is difficult to always offer training with online applications as they always seem to be changing. At least with desktop applications you know what you get until you upgrade to the next version.

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