Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The drudgery of the TECH world

I am particularly privileged to have access to technology and quite a few devices at that, and this is largely due to my field of work. The only piece of tech I actually own is a cellphone which I've only required fairly recently. While it is great and for most part id quite exciting I have come to note one major problem I experience and that is the frequency with which I have to charge them. Let me take a few steps back and start with the devices I do have.

As mentioned I have a cellphone and got a smart watch as a gift last year Xmas. Add to this laptop a Go-Pro camera a with remote, a bike light front and rear, a power bank and a tablet. All of these devices requires charging and may of them come with their own charging cables and accessories. They remind me of meatballs and spaghetti in my clear view bag...which is actually a vanity bag I use for all my gadgets. Why is there not just one cable type for all these devices firstly and to crown it all most of these devices either need charging overnight or they all need charging at different times. The result is that you either run out of charging points or you have to suffer the consequences. Perhaps it is just my lifestyle. But  I was under impression that tech was supposed to make my life simpler. Perhaps more wireless charging will do the trick but the cost of such devices might still be prohibitive to most.

Might we face the same problem with electric cars with different charging cables, plugs and charging stations or will the manufacturers come up with one simple solution. I hope one will be able to charge between cars. I don't know enough about this to be honest but I see these kinds of trends in various situations.

They have recently started to install fibre in our area and whereas in most areas the fibre is layed underground, I've noticed that in certain sections the City has made use of the overhead lines just as we were moving towards placing power lines underground and clearing up our skylines it seems like new technology is forcing us backward. The boxes look ugly and the cables look untidy. I can only imagine the mess its gonna create when birds discover this perfect positions for making nests. I hope that our skylines never get to look like this...

Now I just hope that they return our pavements to a live-able state after having had several burst water mains to contend with. Later.

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