Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What qualifies as a 3D movie?

So some of us had a well-deserved break over the festive season and if you are anything like me, you used this time to catch up with what's hot on the movie circuit. I have seen my fair share of 3D movies over the holidays as this is the current fad where technology development is concerned in the movie world. My first 3D movie experience was "Avatar" as it may have been for many of you so it is safe to say that I use this as the benchmark for all my future 3D movie endeavours. I have subsequently seen movies like "ToyStory 3D" and "Tron" which started me wondering what is really needed for a movie to be classified as 3D. Are some movies really worthwhile being done in 3D and more importantly how much of the movie should be shot in 3D for it to be called a 3D movie? Let's face it...viewing a 3D movie at your local cinema is not exactly what I would call "inexpensive". Before starting this post I did what any curious mind would do and googled my question, "What qualifies as a 3D movie or what criteria is used to qualify as a 3D movie?"

For example the movie Tron started off by stating that certain scenes have been shot in 2D but recommends that the 3D glasses be worn at all times. After the movie I was left wondering exactly where the 3D effects were...I didn't feel any different from when I was watching a 2D movie. Is this perhaps the hallmark of a "good" 3D movie... that the special effects do not distract from the story itself? But then why bother parting with my hard-earned cash for something that I am not really gonna notice, I ask myself?

I am not sure! Surely there need to be a certain amount of 3D elements or content present in a movie to qualify as 3D (perhaps a certain percentage of the movie). What would that percentage be? If there is no such criteria I can't help but feel that I could possibly be ripped off by buying into the current hype around 3D movies. If anyone has any further information or thoughts on this then please comment...Have a great 3D year everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Yo, yo, yo....lol...
    My first 3D movie experience was also "Avatar", can say that my money or rather my boyfriends money was well spent, but when we went it was inexpensive as "Avatar" was the first 3D movie to be released.

    For me a 3D movie would be one where you can clearly see the special effects. Elements within the movie must be moving all around you from every possible angle of your eye when you are staring straight at the screen.

    With "Avatar" the blue stringy things were floating all around me. Everything was so bright and clear. I felt like I was in the movie myself! lol...

    Now in my opinion, a 3D movie has to make you feel like your a part of that movie!


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