Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Radiomagnetic radiation effects

Before you click away from this page I want to encourage you to view this video. It might be a bit long but it raised my awareness about the kinds of radiation that I am exposed to on a daily basis not just at work but in my home. This information was valuable in thinking about what kinds of spaces we are creating for employees to work in as well as their health. Let me know what your thoughts are on this.

By the way. This is a video that was posted by a friend on facebook. It seems that all video roads lead to Youtube so the easiest way to embed video into your site might be to go to the original upload at the Youtube site and find the embed code to copy and paste onto your page.


  1. Really shocking revelation! People are unaware of the implications of gadgets, electricity, cellphones, etc. Very few of us do know that you should find ways and means to control your exposure to radioactivity through your techno devices.

    For me its hugely scary to ponder about the reality of getting ill merely because of my use of gadgets. My attitude at times could have something to do with my usage or contact with laptops, etc.

    Very few of us figure out that it could be these techno devices feeding our physique's bad energy.

    I feel every store that sells devices to people should give them information on the impact of the said gadgets and offer them something like a ground sheet or something that the gentleman used.

  2. Indeed it’s true that we must catch up with the technology especially the latest one but unfortunately very few of the people are not aware of the effects of these electrical gadgetry we have turn them part of our lives.

    One friend from one time send me a picture which was showing cell phone radiation effects to the brain especially when u use your phone on the right ear, as compared to the left ear. Now I real belief this is affect us even though we don’t want to accept it more easily. All what is happening here I think the effects of headache every time after woking or seating on a computer the whole either working or playing I real want o belief it has to do with radiation repercussion. This is very informative but scary at the same time.
    Thanks this is the good one even though threatening.

  3. Hey, this Post of yours Whaos me Andre. I mean, i didn't know that by using a computer, i am exposed to a very high radiation.

    I think this technology is best especially for people working long on computer, for protection against the dirty electromagnetic radiation.

    Thanks for sharing this with us Andre


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